Joy of Life by Cassie Rosse

Joy of Life

June 2017
2/28-2/32 100% wool/merino yarn
Cobweb ?
US 10 - 6.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1914 yards (1750 m)
English Estonian
This pattern is available for €9.00 EUR buy it now

Pattern of shawl is charted and easy to follow. Shawl gets its shape by decreasing method – you start with bunch of a stitches (edge lace) and decrease stitches as instructed.

This pattern has few special stitches (3 nupps out of 3 sts, nupp out of 2 sts) and surely a lot of nupps (3300+)

Take it into consideration that final result will depend on yarn weight, size of needles and your knitting gauge.

Variety of 2/28-2/32 yarns
57g of red, 19g of white,
15g of green, 22g of yellow
and 10g of blue yarn
123g of yarn in total
3366 of nupps (bobbles)
200 x 113 cm