Knitted Daisy Chain Bracelet by Fitting in Knitting

Knitted Daisy Chain Bracelet

February 2025
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 3 - 3.25 mm
This pattern is available for £1.50 GBP buy it now

Knitted Daisy Bracelet & Daisy Chain Knitting Pattern PDF Download

A wonderful sign of spring; daisies bring cheerfulness and a dash of colour. Add a few daisies as accessories, dress up some toys or add to your home decor. This knitting pattern shows you how to make simple daisy bracelets or daisy chains – a perfect quick knitting project!

A quick knitted gift that can be made in under 2 hours! Made up of one knitted piece to form the bracelet band, with two width and length options. Or make a finger-knitted length to form the chain base. Individual daisies are made from a single knitted piece. Sew your knitted daisies along your chain or bracelet, to complete your daisy bracelet or daisy chain.

Now with TWO download PDFs – One with pictures, and one with just a front page picture – choose either or both, and let me know what you think!

Large (Adult) Knitted Bracelet Size – 2.5cm width x 20cm length (wrist circumference)

Small (Child) Knitted Bracelet Size – 1.5cm width x 16cm length (wrist circumference)

Pattern details include how to vary these sizes to fit your recipient.

Finger-knitted Chain – Made to your desired length

Individual Knitted Daisy Size – 4cm width x 4cm height

Full ‘Progress in Pictures’ short video of items being made can now be seen on my NEW YouTube Channel!! See –

What you will need…

Total time for a Three-Daisy Bracelet – 1 Hour 50 Minutes

Total time for a Three-Daisy Chain – 1 Hour 35 Minutes

Time for Bracelet only – 20 to 25 Minutes Each (dependent on length and width)

Time for a Single Daisy only – 25 Minutes Each

Add additional extra time for extra length, bracelet width or extra daisies

3.25mm knitting needles (UK 10, US 3)

Double knitting yarn – green, cream & yellow

Yarn sewing up needle


No stuffing/toy filling required

Benefits of PDF Downloads!

No endless scrolling! Compact pattern can be seen more easily over a clear three-column arrangement.
Standard easy-read font (large print option available on request.)
Download your favourites – Add them to your own personal folder to locate quickly and easily.
Avoid any internet connection issues – download and knit wherever you like!
PDF Knitting Pattern may be downloaded to allow you to access it on different devices.

Printer-friendly Easy Print…

No screen glare or eye strain.
Mark where you get up to, to more easily carry on from where you left off.

Colourful front page with pictured finished item, then black and white text-only – be kind to our planet, only print the pages you need!
For personal use only – Copyright retained by FittingInKnitting

The Disclaimer Bit…!

Timings are approximate and so don’t hold me to it. Children are constantly interrupting me, and it’s easy to speed up or slow down depending on how happy/cross I am.

The sizes I have written are also approximate and so I will not be held responsible for time spent on creating these patterns or materials used should yours not quite look right. Everyone’s yarn and tension will be different. I am not loyal to any particular brand of yarn – it’s whatever I find in my basket from over the years.

Use these patterns as you so wish for personal use only, both for ideas or using the patterns to make your own. However, your own work is at your own risk. I am not taking responsibility for any personal, child, or other person needle injury or such-like. If using any of these patterns for ideas to make and/or give as a gift for a child, please choose appropriately for the child’s age and ensure your sewing, particularly of buttons, is top-notch to avoid any choking hazards.