Korok Amigurumi by Sarah Talmage

Korok Amigurumi

October 2023
Aran (8 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
93 - 115 yards (85 - 105 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Ya-ha-ha! You found a free pattern!

This pattern will walk you through how to crochet your own tall Korok and even includes stencils for making the face out of felt!

Make a bunch and hide them for your family and friends!

What you will need:

  • 3.5mm hook (U.S. Size E)
  • Yarn – I used cotton size 5, but any type of any weight will work as long as you choose an appropriately sized hook for the yarn. Below you’ll find the exact types and amounts of yarn I used:
    • About 46.5 yards (~42.5 meters) of 100% Cotton size 5 Camel (#502), in the Cahlista line by “Scheepjes”.
    • About 46.5 yards (~42.5 meters) of 100% Cotton size 5 Caramel (#506), in the Cahlista line by “Scheepjes”.
  • Felt is used for the leaf/face. I used felt in the following colors:
    • Dark green
    • Light green
    • Yellow green
    • Black
  • Embroidery floss or thread to sew the felt together if you choose not to glue it.
  • Glue if you do not want to sew all of the felt pieces together.
    • I sewed the two large dark green pieces together and glued the smaller pieces on the face, but you could do the same by gluing or sewing all of it together if you would prefer!
  • Stuffing

Optional Materials
- 4.25 inches of 2mm wire if you want to pose the arms.
- Masking tape.
- Wire cutters and pliers.


  • Tapestry needle
  • Stitch markers

Size of Finished Korok
If you use the same size yarn and hook I do, your finished korok will have approximately the following dimensions in inches: 5.0 (width) x 3.5 (depth) x 6.0 (height)

If you find any mistakes or issues in this pattern or the stencil file, please let me know and I will update it!

Thank you and happy crocheting!