Lace Stripes & Medallion Neckline by Amelia Wain

Lace Stripes & Medallion Neckline

November 1935
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
32-34'' bust
This pattern is available for free.

THE bands and yoke of this pretty jumper are knitted, and the body and sleeves are crochet.

Materials required are: Five 1 oz. skeins 2-ply wool, 2 No. 12 and 2 No. 9 bone knitting-needles (Old UK) and a fine bone crochet-hook.

Measurements: Bust, 32-34 inches; sleeve underarm, 14½ inches; cuff, 4 inches; body underarm to waist, 8½ inches; band, 4 inches; yoke from shoulder at neck to level with underarm, 6½ inches.

All the pieces are flat in the working, so they can be made to fit any size with the aid of a flat paper pattern.

No tension is given.