
October 2005
No important
US 4 - 3.5 mm
English French
This pattern is available for free.


It only requires 30 gm of a skein plus some scraps for the pack. The finishing can be a bit difficult while the knitting is easy as usual with toys.

The lama is worked flat in 6 pieces and the pack in 2 pieces. The final size is about 28 cm high and 14 cm long. This is one of my first written pattern (in French) in 2004 or 2005.

There are pockets in the pack in which you can put some little gifts.

It is a written pattern with a scheme of the toy 3 pages to prints.

The pattern was translated from French by bgow.

To download the pattern in English, please, follow this link:


Facile à tricoter, le montage est assez délicat.

Le lama est sobre, il ne vous réclamera qu’un reste de pelote, la moitié environ, pour le corps et des fonds de pelote encore plus petits pour le bât qu’il porte avec aisance et dans les poches duquel vous pourrez glisser des petits cadeaux.

Le patron comprend un croquis du corps du lama. 3 pages.