Light Lacy Bed-Jacket by The Courier-Mail

Light Lacy Bed-Jacket

September 1933
Lace ?
4.5 mm
3.25 mm (D)
This pattern is available for free.

This is the kind of bed or boudoir jacket which would be a delight for the invalid, since it may be worn even when the cold weather is over, if made in two-ply wool.

MATERIALS: 5 ounces of 2-ply wool, 1/2 ounce of silk for edging, 2 yards each of two-coloured ribbons, 1 yard of ninon or thin silk for lining, 1 No. 7 and 1 No. 10 bone crochet hooks.

Editor note: No sizing or gauge information is given. UK crochet terms are used.