LikeMinded Socks by Winwick Mum

LikeMinded Socks

May 2020
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
30 stitches = 4 inches
in Stocking stitch working in the round
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
To fit ball of foot circumference 8 [8.5:9:9.5] inches; 20 [22:23:24] cm
This pattern is available for £4.28 GBP buy it now

A pattern inspired by social media?  Why yes, that’s exactly what this is! Look closely, what do you see?  Stitches that zig zag down the sock or inter-connecting paths as our lives touch, even momentarily, and we are linked to people and places we might never otherwise know about?  Are those twisted stitches simply a regular pattern or are they seeds of knowledge, planted and freely shared across different countries and time zones?
Fanciful perhaps, but the fact remains that when social media works in its finest form, we are all lifted by the connections.  We find things to make us laugh, to help us learn, and we connect, perhaps best of all, with those who have similar interests to us.  We are LikeMinded.

Find out more on the blog post:

A donation of £2.00 from the sale of each pattern in May 2020 will be made to Fitzroy, a charity dedicated to transforming the lives of people with learning disabilities, in memory of an online friend.

Thank you so much to everyone who bought a copy of the pattern in May 2020. I am thrilled to tell you that I have been able to donate £410 to the charity, and my friend’s family also offer you their thanks x