Lilly and Larry Christmas Light by Kim Stepp

Lilly and Larry Christmas Light

October 2022
Aran (8 wpi) ?
3.25 mm (D)
3.75 mm (F)
300 - 400 yards (274 - 366 m)

Christmas is almost here, but these 2 silly kids have decided to break free of their wires before they had to spend yet ANOTHER boring (to them) Christmas on the tree! Their human has no idea what they did! BUT, it’ll be known when the missing lights aren’t found anywhere this year!

Please meet Lilly and Larry Christmas Light! This brother and sister duo have that wild hair going on from the electricity always building it up.

One day Lilly decided that she was so tired of just staying on the wire hanging out with all of her other brothers and sisters, most of the time being hidden away in a box, having her face smushed into her sister Hortencia’s back for a whole year!

So, she began trying to convince ANYONE that would listen that they needed to break free, and live a life of freedom from the box!

Nobody would listen, as Lilly had grumbled about breaking free forever! BUT! Her brother Larry decided that he was going to just entertain her thoughts about the idea. Little did he know that he would soon be joining her and actually following through with her rants!

Breaking free wasn’t easy to do! They had to maneuver around without being seen by their human so they wouldn’t be replaced on the wire. They had to make sure to shine just as brightly as they could to pretend to be so very happy to be on the tree!

One day when their human was taking down the decorations, and getting ready to smush them back into their box once more, their cell phone rang. Lilly KNEW this was her chance! She knew that if she waited she would be stuck with her face in someone else’s back, or even their butt for a whole other long year.

Lilly whispered to Larry, who was in total shock that his sister was really going through with her plans. She worked herself around just enough where she could cut the wires next to her. Once she cut them she wiggled her way loose from them completely. Afterwards she cut the wires next to Larry. He couldn’t say a word, because he was still in shock at Lilly!

Once Lilly cut them loose, they both ran away to a place they’d seen every single year while they were hanging on that tree for the season. They knew nobody hardly ever went to that area of the room. As soon as they got to that quiet area, Lilly worked herself loose from the wire, her hat was sitting a little to the side because of how hard she had to work to get loose. But since she was able to help Larry get loose, he was able to keep his hat in place.

Once the brother and sister were loose, they were so exhausted from all of the excitement. They found an older cell phone that had been stored in the unvisited area of the room, and decided to take a few selfies to celebrate their new life they were getting ready to embark upon.

Lilly and Larry had fun taking a few selfies, and then became soooo worn out from their adventure, that they just couldn’t set up any longer. They had to just pass out for a nap.

I hope you enjoyed their story. :) They’re quite the adventurous little lights! Who knows! Maybe they can had adventures with your family!

Beginner friendly

use sizes 3.25mm and 3.75mm hooks

Made with acrylic yarn, and took approximately 300-400 yards to complete.

If you know how to work in the round, single crochet, increase, and decrease, (you can learn all of these by searching YouTube if you don’t know how to yet) then you can make these cuties in just 1 afternoon! :slightly_smiling_face: