Lucille Knitted Bed Jacket by Australian Women's Weekly

Lucille Knitted Bed Jacket

July 1933
Lace ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
36 inch
This pattern is available for free.

This attractive bed jacket is made in a 2-ply baby wool, used double for the body and single for the frills. It will wash beautifully. Instructions will fit a 36 bust. For each size more or less add or subtract 12 stitches, 6 in the back, 3 in each front.

Materials required: 5 ozs. of baby wool, 2-ply, in pale pink.

Gauge not stated.

“LUCILLE” Knitted BED JACKET. (1933, July 29). The Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 20.