Lucky Penny Purse 04 by Beth Bell

Lucky Penny Purse 04

November 2021
Thread ?
0 stitches and 0 rows = 4 inches
1.8 mm
1 - 100 yards (1 - 91 m)
both US and UK
This pattern is available for free.

Materials Used.
Aunt Lydia’s size 10 crochet cotton. White (0001) Victory Red (0494), Myrtle Green (0484) This thread is easy to find and washable.
Size 6 (1.80 mm) steel crochet hook.

Stitches Used in Us terms
Ch/ch…….. chain
Sc/sc………single crochet
Dc/ dc……..double crochet
Hdc/hdc..….half double crochet
Sl/sl………..slip stitch

Stitches Used in UK terms
Dc/dc………….double crochet
Htr/htr…………half treble crochet
Tr/tr……………treble crochet
Sl/sl……………slip stitch