Lunchbox Cozy Set to Knit by Lori Richter

Lunchbox Cozy Set to Knit

This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

This Lunchbox Cozy Set to Knit includes two styles of fruit cozies to help keep apples safe from bruising, even when carried in a purse instead of a lunch bag – a tea caddy so those little envelopes don’t fall to the bottom of the bag, and get worn and crushed – an adjustable mug cozy that will fit any size mug, (and can even be used with a pint carton of ice cream or gelato), making it easy to hold either a hot mug or cold ice cream. (If you’re like me, there’s no need to dirty a bowl for ice cream – the spoon works just fine in the container.)

Knitted with cotton yarn, they’re lightweight, wash up beautifully, and are great sellers at farmer’s markets, craft shows, or even in your online shop.

For knitters of all skill levels.