Make-up Remover Pads by Ann Cooke

Make-up Remover Pads

August 2019
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.5 mm
10 - 11 yards (9 - 10 m)
One Size, Approx 4ins in diameter
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

I love these pretty cotton pads that are great for removing make-up and can be washed over and over again cutting down on waste. I wash mine in the washing machine in one of those mesh wash bags with a zipper but you could wash them by hand too.

Gauge isn’t important

Mine measured approximately 4” in diameter, one 50g skein of Drops Paris was enough to make 7 cotton pads.

A quick & easy stash-buster, they can be made with any cotton yarn and the appropriate sized hook but the finished size may be different.