"Marvel"ous Fingerless Gloves by oneandonlyewe

"Marvel"ous Fingerless Gloves

Knittink Sersi -Ms. Marvel series
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
360 - 380 yards (329 - 347 m)
women's med
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

Sersi is gem of a lovely cashmere blend yarn from Knittink’s Yarn and Fiber (www.dyeknittinkdye.com) in the Ms. Marvel series colorways. Check out all of her creative and fun-to-work yarns.
These are simple to make, with a bit of reverse stockingnette banding to give them texture. When you get to the finger part, I like to suggest getting and using 4” DPns. Its really worth it as they are much less cumbersome than the longer ones.