Matinee Jacket Set Berenguer Baby Doll 8inch by WeGirls

Matinee Jacket Set Berenguer Baby Doll 8inch

by WeGirls
July 2014
DK (11 wpi) ?
6 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
0 - 100 yards (0 - 91 m)
This pattern is available from for $3.50.

Quick set to knit, jacket is knit from the bottom up to the underarms in one piece which allows for less seaming. Sleeves are knit flat and inserted into armholes altho you could choose to pick up sts around armhole opening and knit in the round.
Pattern includes Matinee Jacket, Pants, Shoes and Hat
Fits the popular 8 inch chubby Berenguer baby dolls- also known as Lots to Love baby dolls by JC Toys, Inc

US knitting terms
Yarn used was bernat baby sport in “chiffon print”
yarn rated 3- light

1 oz Bernat Baby Sport or any DK/ Lt Worsted yarn
Size US 3 (3.25mm) straight needles for jacket, hat, shoes
Size US 4 (3.50mm) straight needles for pants
Stitch holder or spare size 4 needle
2- 3/8” (9mm) buttons
15” length 1/8” or 3/8” wide satin ribbon
Yarn needle for sewing seams
Sewing thread and needle for attaching buttons