Men's Neck Guard by J. C. Lindsey

Men's Neck Guard

no longer available from 1 source show
February 2017
Aran (8 wpi) ?
12 rows = 3.5 inches
6.5 mm (K)
175 - 182 yards (160 - 166 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern is worked in rows, ending with a finishing round. It is worked long, and sewn together for the length needed to fit around the neck. The width, or height, of the pattern is determined by the starting foundation.

This pattern also uses foundation single crochet. This helps keep both ends stretchy so the neck guard can easily slip over the head without the restriction of firmness that chaining can give.

The gauge for this pattern is: 12 rows = 3.5 inches
Ending length before joining ends: approx. 21 ½ inches
Ending width once finished: approx. 6 ¾ inches

Size Guide and wearing options: Finished neck guard should be snug enough when slipped over the head, but loose enough on the neck to have some slack. It can be pushed down around the neck, or pulled up over the chin for more warmth. It can also be worn under clothes or a winter jacket.

This is a crochet version of a neck guard for men. It can be done in solid colors, stripped (though the strips will come out vertical), or any other color combinations fitting the man this neck guard is for.