Moda Vera Breeze Sleeveless Top by Spotlight

Moda Vera Breeze Sleeveless Top

Aran (8 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
10, 12, 14, 16

Cast on 4 sts and work 2 rows of stocking st.
Front Shaping
Working in stocking st, cast on 2 sts at beg of this and foll alt rows until.there are 82 (86, 90, 94) sts.
Cont withour shaping until work measures 12 (11, 10, 9) cm from last cast on.
Reverse Stocking St Patt
Row 1: Knit to last st, P1.
Row 2: K2, purl to end.
Row 3: Knit to last 3 sts, purl to end.
Row 4: K4, purl to end.
Cont in pstt as established, inc Reverse Stocking St to front side by 1 st each row, until work measures 22 (22, 22, 22) cm from last cast on.