Moon Gazing Hare Tote Bag by Sally Clift

Moon Gazing Hare Tote Bag

October 2022
yarn held together
This pattern is available from for £3.60.

The bag can be made in any yarn of your choice, although the
thicker the yarn, the larger the finished bag will be, and
ultimately the yarn usage will depend on your own tension
and the final handle length.
I used Stylecraft dreamcatcher for the blue / purple hued bag
with a size 4 hook
Yarn A – 411metres / 440 yards, Yarn B 159 metres / 174
For the autumnal bag, I used Stylecraft Dreamcatcher for the
motif and Stylecraft DK Claret for the main body which used
similar yardage and both bags measured up 32cm x 29cm
(12.5” x 11.4”).
When making the back piece of the bag, I continued to work
with 2 yarns to achieve the same size, tension and thickness.