Mountain Dew Hat by Silvana Hagiu

Mountain Dew Hat

October 2022
yarn held together
+ Sport
= Sport (12 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 12 rows = 4 inches
in Alternating FPdc st, dc in next st: 12 sts in 4” using 5mm hook. 12 rows of the same stitch gives 4” of height The elastic band: 6 rows/8 scblo =2”/2”
5.0 mm (H)
200 - 350 yards (183 - 320 m)
baby, toddler, child, teen, woman, large adult

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This stylish hat looks complicated, but the stitches are really quite basic. The majority of the hat is just FPdc and dc stitches alternated. I’ve listed all the stitches used before the pattern begins so you can make sure you understand what is required.
Pattern is written in American English terms.
This beanie’s construction consists of one stretchy headband piece, worked in rows back and forth, seamed together and the body of the hat worked into the sides of the rows of the stretchy hat band. This makes modifying the hat easy to accommodate a variety of head sizes.
This pattern can be made longer or shorter based on your preference.