Narby Pompom Cat Hat by Charlotte Aimee

Narby Pompom Cat Hat

Standard small to standard large cat size. The size can be further altered by changing yarn weight and hook size.
This pattern is available for €1.99 EUR
buy it now or visit pattern website

Welcome to the pattern for our Narby Pompom Cat Hat. As used by reserchers at the Université de Montréal!

“Researchers … have created a first-of-its-kind electrode-lined crochet beanie that can be used to measure a cat’s brain activity. Aside from being adorable, the custom-made wool caps also let researchers … conduct EEG brain scans on felines without having to sedate them.” (Source:

You can purchase the 18 page written pattern (includes detailed instructions with step-by-step photos plus a printable abridged version) in our Ravelry store and view the accompanying video tutorial on the Catventurous Crochet YouTube channel. Charlotte & Melba wish you happy crocheting!

All levels and suitable for experienced beginners with fundamental knowledge of basic crochet stitches and techniques.


  • Yarn of your choice (3 - 4 weight is ideal)
  • Crochet hook to suit your yarn
  • Smaller crochet hook for ties (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle
  • Measuring tape
  • Pom pom maker or other method
  • Stitch marker (optional)


  • Magic ring
  • Chain stitch and making a chain
  • Slip stitch
  • Single crochet
  • Double crochet
  • Weaving in ends
  • Making a pompom using a pompom maker or other method
  • Sewing pompom to hat

IMPORTANT: These hats are intended to be stylish and fun for you and your cat. For their safety, please supervise your cat at all times while they are wearing this hat. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PATTERN TO MAKE YOUR CAT HATE YOU. Reward your meowdel with healthy, tasty treats, playtime and lots of love.

Catventurous Crochet: Simple and fun crochet patterns for #fashionablycatventurous kitties. Supermeowdel catventurer: Melba @catventurepussmelba