Nesting Owls by Brigitte Chase

Nesting Owls

October 2016
Feltable 100% wool yarn
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
one size
This pattern is available for $3.50 USD buy it now

NOTE: This pattern is included in the ebook: “KNITTED NESTERS” which is available on Ravelry. The book contains 3 patterns: Nesting Owls, Gnomes-in-Homes, and Buddha & the Lotus Blossoms. Nesting Owls is also included in the ebook: “SPINNER’S STASH: 7 patterns & ideas to use your stash, so you can spin up some more!”

Nesting Owls is a quick knit with a clever twist that delights everyone, young and old! Each owl fits into the next, like Russian nesting dolls, until all you see is Big Owl in his Nest. Have fun creating 5 distinctly different owl personalities. I named mine: “Sleepy”, “Spooked”, “Wise Guy”, “Fierce”, and “Big Owl”.

A great way to use up small “leftovers” in your stash (make sure yarn is 100% wool that felts). The felting is a breeze: just run the owls through a couple of wash/dry cycles. Eyes, wings, and tummy embellishments are chain stitched with lace weight yarn (needlepoint yarn works well).

You can use any weight yarn for these nesting owls, but use the same weight for all of them, so they shrink proportionately and fit well into each other. If you use worsted weight, owls will range from 1 ½” (3.8cm) to 4 ½” tall (11.5cm).

Step by step tutorial plus lots of photos and accurate templates make following the pattern easy. Whether your “nesters” hang out in a tree or roost closer to home, they’re sure to delight!