Night at the Press Box by Fran Carle

Night at the Press Box

October 2019
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
250 - 350 yards (229 - 320 m)
S, M, L
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

I needed an easy project to bring with me to Knit City in Vancouver this year, and figured I would make some vanilla socks. As soon as I cast on, I deviated (as I always do) from the vanilla and added a few little details. I decided to incorporate some mock cables in the ribbing and down the front of the sock, because yes, it might just kill me to ACTUALLY knit vanilla socks. These are still a simple enough knit that I was able to successfully knit them at the bar attached to the hotel (The Press Box) while the friday night Karaoke and several highballs were taking place. So, I figured I would write down this quick and easy pattern and offer to you all for FREE!
I had been waiting for just the right time to use this AMAZING yarn (Ugly Sweater Party) from The Wool Baron. Can you believe there are over 20 different stripes in this single skein of yarn? Simply incredible, and part of me wants to buy like 4 more skeins of this and just have a drawer full of socks made with this yarn.
For anyone wondering, these socks are knit top-down and feature afterthought heels, though you could absolutely knit them toe-up or with a different heel.

Size: S, (M, L) The length is easily adjusted. Size can also be altered by changing needle size.
Yarn: Shown – The Wool Baron Sturdy Sock (463 yards/100 Grams) in the Ugly Sweater Party
Recommended- 100 grams of any fingering weight sock yarn.
Needles: (US 1.5) 2.5 mm needles of choice (9” circs, long circ for magic loop or DPN’s)
Notions: waste yarn, darning needle for kitchener stitch and weaving in ends
Gauge: 32 stitches in 4” in stockinette stitch

Please join my group Inky Knitter Designs if you have any questions or concerns. Also, I’m always looking for more test knitters! Also, follow me on IG if you’re interested in what I’m working on! My handle is theinkyknitter. Thanks