Octopus of Optimism by Claire J Miller

Octopus of Optimism

July 2018
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
One size - tension is not critical
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

A quick and easy tangible reminder to think positive!

The octopus body measures approx. 5cm x 5cm and each tentacle, fully extended, is around 10cm. The tension is not critical, nor is the yarn - just adjust accordingly. It is my personal preference to use a slightly smaller hook than recommended by the yarn weight for amigurumi as it makes the stitches tighter so the stuffing is less easy to see.

In addition to the yarn (approx. 25g - I just used some leftover from my stash), you’ll need two safety eyes and some synthetic toy stuffing.

The octopus body is made in two parts, and the eight tentacles are made separately before sewing the whole thing together.

Happy crocheting!