Pebble Twist Earwarmer by Stephanie Hawkins

Pebble Twist Earwarmer

May 2024
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
US 13 - 9.0 mm
49 - 60 yards (45 - 55 m)
This pattern is available from for $6.00.

The Pebble Twist Earwarmer is a beginner friendly knit. It is made up of knit and purl stitches, and uses a special technique when sewing the ends together to create the twist at the front of the earwarmer. It is customizable for any size!

Supplies Needed:
↠ Size 6 Super Bulky Yarn
↠ 9mm US Size 13 Knitting Needles
↠ Tapestry Needle
↠Measuring Tape