Pencil case Pen box by Kuema Tutorials

Pencil case Pen box

November 2023
Sport (12 wpi) ?
length: 22 cm and circumference 20 cm can be individually adjusted to any size
English German
This pattern is available from for €3.19.

The crochet pattern allows you to create a versatile pencil case in vibrant colors that is perfect for back to school or starting school. The pattern is customizable for 1 or more colors and has enough space to store pens, crayons, markers and even crochet hooks. The finished case combines craftsmanship with functionality and is both a practical accessory and an individual gift for students of all ages. Make your start to school more colorful and personal with this unique homemade pencil case.

What skills are you going to need and what will you get
chain stitches, single crochet

Size information
length: 22 cm and circumference 20 cm
can be individually adjusted to any size
Required materials
e.g., Cotton Yarn 1x 50 g single color or use of leftovers with up to 5 colors
you can use any other yarn of your choice
crochet hook US B (1); UK 14 (2 mm) or
US B (1); UK 12 (2,5 mm)
sewing needle
twine for sew up or the matching yarn
7,1 in (18 cm) zipper

Other information from the author
translation is in US American

Copyright: by KuemaTutorials
No (Re-) Sale, Sharing, Copying or Publishing of the Pattern (incl. Translation or Changed Pattern), this incl. Publishing in the Internet.