Pencil Skirt & Tank Top by Ann Braddock

Pencil Skirt & Tank Top

no longer available from 1 source show
Sport (12 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1496 yards (1368 m)
small, medium & large
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

The skirt takes 6 balls of comfy sport, the top takes 5 balls of comfy sport

This is a pencil skirt and tank top that can be done in size small, medium and large. The skirt has a single line of contrasting color just above the hem line and the top has a single line of contrasting color just above the waist and at the neckline.

The pencil skirt has ribbing at the knees, then goes to a stocking stitch that continues to the elastic waist. This has been done in a comfy sport yarn. The tank top has ribbing at the waist then goes to a textured corn stitch at the midriff, then continues to a wider ribbing at the bustline.