Perfect Season by Nora McNamara

Perfect Season

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
18 stitches = 4 inches
in st st
US 5 - 3.75 mm
120 - 130 yards (110 - 119 m)
one size fits most adults
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

So I don’t even care about sports, but I live in Cleveland, Ohio (and I LOVE where I live). And so many friends were seriously bummed out about the football team losing all 16 games as of today, December 31, 2017. One friend asked me to knit a hat for her boyfriend who is from CLE but lives in Minneapolis. Or someplace colder than here. And I was binge-watching “Treme” all day working on this.

Used some orange Cascade 220 because nothing is open today and I had some around. Same goes for some brown Malabrigo worsted. But you could use whatever yarns you like. Probably Red Heart would be best if you are making a hat to celebrate a 0 and 16 season, save the expensive stuff in case they ever go 16 and 0. I know, right?

Cleveland is having an actual parade to celebrate this season. If you are going, you can knit yourself one of these hats! I will not be there, as I do not care for sports at all. Enjoy!