Periodic Table of Elements by Virginia Arcand

Periodic Table of Elements

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Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is just a chart plotting out the Periodic Table of Elements as an afghan or wall-hanging or whatever other craft one wants to do involving many individual squares pieced together. I hadn’t seen anything of the sort on Ravelry, so I decided to make one myself, as one day I thought it would just be awesome to have a Periodic Table afghan.

I created it in Photoshop based on a table I found online; the background (white squares) are, in my mind black (as noted on the list below the diagram). However, if one wants to print this image out, I decided it was much easier on one’s ink supply to leave them white.

Ultimately it’s in your hands as to whether or not you want to use the colors I do. The size is also up to you; I left that intentionally unspoken because you might want to do a wallhanging or placemat with 1” squares, or you might want an afghan of 3” squares, or a Really Big Afghan of 1’ squares. Use what yarn you want, what hook size you want. It is up to you!

The world is your oyster, nerdy yarn warrior. Go forth and create.