Petals & Stems Purse by Maggie Pace

Petals & Stems Purse

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 10 - 6.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
1100 yards (1006 m)

Many larger felted purses end up slouchy and sacklike unless they have stiff reinforcement, such as a Board base or a metal frame. The heavy fabric just doesn’t have the necessary structure on its own to make it stand up. But what knitter wants to sew in reinforcing material after all that knitting? The challenge is to knit some structure into the purse. The knit-in lining and vertical tucks along the sides and corners of this bag force it to stand tall and square. The tailored shape is further emphasized during the blocking process.

Calls for 3 balls MC & 2 balls CC