Platypus by Crafty Lady


no longer available from 1 source show
February 2015
Aran (8 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
50 - 100 yards (46 - 91 m)
7 inches (including beak and tail)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Before you say anything, yes, I realize that his orange feet/flippers are in the front and they should be in the back, but I didn’t realize that until AFTER I attached them, so it was already to late.
Well, technically I could have taken them off and reattached them to the back but that’s to much work.
Besides I wrote a pattern for it so I’m sure that all y’all can forgive me.

2021 Update: I wrote this when I was 13-14 so if the pattern doesn’t make any sense apologies, I may or may not come back to it and make corrections but for right now it is up for free and I hope you enjoy it!