Pretty in Pink by J. C. Lindsey

Pretty in Pink

no longer available from 1 source show
February 2017
Aran (8 wpi) ?
6 shells = approx. 7 3/4 inches, 4 rows = approx. 3 1/2 inches
6.5 mm (K)
360 - 364 yards (329 - 333 m)
One Size
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern is done in one size. The neck piece is approx. 25 inches around.

The pattern uses a shell stitch and a variation of increase/decrease.

The neck piece and hood piece are crocheted separately and sewn together at the end. You will need a yarn needle to join the two pieces together. Stitch markers are recommended (but not needed) to help keep the two pieces in place while sewing them together.

There is an option for adding buttons as decoration, but not needed.

This red heart yarn (petal pink) had a thicker weight/feel to it. If you use a thinner yarn, you may need to crochet more rows to get the correct sizing needed.

The neck warmer itself is beautiful without a hood. You can simply crochet the neck warmer piece and wear it without adding the hood. Images (to the left) show just the neck warmer piece in both button and non buttoned options if you choose to go with no hood.


I added some images of a purple version here as well. This purple hooded neck warmer is done in the yarn Red Heart With Love in the colorway Aubergene. I am in love with this purple version! the yarn is super soft, and perfect to be worn! These buttons are bone lotus flower buttons that make the perfect contrasting pop of color! Have fun with your choices of colors in yarn and buttons!