Pullover #8 by Mon Tricot Designer Team

Pullover #8

December 1975
Light Fingering ?
20 stitches and 40 rows = 4 inches
US 00 - 1.75 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
1540 - 1680 yards (1408 - 1536 m)
Misses' 10-12-14
Dutch English French

This pullover begins with 2.5 inches of ribbing at the bottom, followed by 2x2 cables set on a reverse stockinette background. The “hood” is a very long turtleneck collar.

Gauge is using no. 2 needles. No. 1 needles are used for ribbing. No. 00 needles are used for knitting the collar.

Pingouin Pescadou is a lightweight boucle yarn.