Quick & Easy Knitted Newsboy Hat by Aunt Janet's Designs

Quick & Easy Knitted Newsboy Hat

August 2014
Aran (8 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 16 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 11 - 8.0 mm
0-6 Months, 12-24 Months, 3-5 Years, 6-12 Years, Adult (all included)
This pattern is available for $5.50 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

This is a great pattern for many reasons… first of all, the hat is adorable in every size. It’s super comfy and squishy. It’s a surprisingly quick knit. It’s a great knit for knitters of every level. It doesn’t use much yarn so you can afford to make them for everyone. Looks great in all colors!

This is an easy-to-read 4 page pattern with full color photos and detailed instructions. Whip up plenty of these for the winter season… I bet you know a bunch of people that would like one!

Sizes: 0-6 mo, 12-24 mo, 3-5 yrs, 6-12 yrs, Adult (ALL included!)

YES! You can make these and sell them! I would appreciate a credit/link for the pattern (so people know where to get the pattern to make the item themselves).