Rainbow Flame stitch scarf with Cowl Neck Variation by Lorraine Hearn

Rainbow Flame stitch scarf with Cowl Neck Variation

US 17 - 12.0 mm
Scarf available in 2 lengths see photo.
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is so easy to make and such an effective stitch and it knits up super quick. Perfect for all those little pressies.

The project is knitting using 2 strands together so no blending is required and also gives great colour combination and design interest.

The longer scarf takes 3 skeins. The shorter length scarf and cowl takes 2 skeins.

PDF in store.

Watch out for more designs heading into store.
Remember its buy one pattern and receive another pattern free from my collection.

Also you can now purchase all items relating to the Rainbow collection as a Multipattern. This is currently available from my website . Anyone that has already purchase any items relating to this collection will receive a full refund of any items they already purchased from the rainbow collection if they prefer to buy the Multibook. Do enquire if you are interested.
I am currently looking into loading this Multi Pattern into my Ravelry store but in the meantime you can purchase this directly from my site and you can still purchase rainbow items as singles too!

Enjoy and Happy Knitting Everyone!