Rainbow Garter Stitch Fingerless Gloves by Diana Levine Knits

Rainbow Garter Stitch Fingerless Gloves

Aran (8 wpi) ?
8 stitches and 16 rows = 2 inches
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Adult (Large), Adult (Small/medium), Children's (Small), Children's (Medium)
This pattern is available for $5.00.

This pattern is a supplement to the FREE YOUTUBE TUTORIAL which shows how to make the Adult (Small/Medium) size glove, from Diana Levine Knits entitled “Fingerless rainbow gloves (Quick and Easy Garter Stitch Knitting Pattern)/


This pattern includes sizing for Adult (Large), Adult (Small/medium), Children’s (Small), Children’s (Medium).

The gloves are knit flat in the garter stitch, and then seamed up, leaving space for the thumb hole.


these Gloves are stretchy. however, if you want to adjust the width of any size, simply cast on more or less stitches accordingly. When you seam the gloves, you may see the purple yarn peaking through. When you reach the part where you are creating the thumb hole, you can “try on” the gloves to see where you like the thumb hole to go.

Techniques: :
The Long Tail Cast On
The Garter Stitch
Binding Off
The Mattress Stitch

If you make this pattern, please share your work!