Rainy day bunny by Rina Mogryna Art

Rainy day bunny

November 2023
DK (11 wpi) ?
2.5 mm
20cm (easily adjustable)
This pattern is available for free.

Hello folks and welcome to the month of the year that I loathe the most – November! I’m sorry for all the people who might actually like November, or were born in this month (happy birthday!), but personally, I find nothing good about this month. Where I am, it’s just cold, rainy and stormy all the damn time, the days get shorter and shorter and it’s just got nothing going for it. So, to brighten up this most gloomy of months, I decided to make a happy little rain bunny! He is very simple to make, VERY similar to my October bunny (in fact I mostly copied the pattern like a lazy but smart little crafter) and I am sure he will bring you as much delight as he brings to me. So let’s hop into the pattern!

To make the rainy day bunny you will need:
– A 2.5mm crochet hook
– Yarns in your colors of choice (I used grey for the bunny, yellow for the coat, light brown, pink and light green for the umbrella)
– A tapestry needle and scissors
– Stuffing
– Safety eyes
– Pipe cleaner and wire for the umbrella handle
– A stitch marker to help you keep track of the start of the round
Please note that you can make the rainy day bunny using any size crochet hook and yarn weight for a smaller or bigger result. Using DK yarn and a 2.5mm crochet hook, the bunny should be about 20cm tall.

Stitches & Abbreviations
The pattern is written using US crochet terms in continuous spirals. You will need to know the following kinds of stitches to make him:
– Magic Ring (MR)
– Chaining
– Single crochet (sc)
– Half double crochet (hdc)
– Double crochet (dc)
– Treble crochet (tc)
– Picot stitch
– Decrease (dec); preferably using the invisible decrease method
– Increase (inc)

If you like what I’m doing, please consider following me over at twitter @RinaMogrynaArt and/or supporting me on Ko-Fi @RinaMogryna <3