Random Chevron Multi Textured Cowl Effect Neckwamrer by Lorraine Hearn

Random Chevron Multi Textured Cowl Effect Neckwamrer

no longer available from other sources show
US 11 - 8.0 mm
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is a design where you can really experiment with different textured yarns so even though I have used partial skeins left from previous projects you can go as random with this stitch pattern as you want and really get creative.

PDF will be loaded this weekend.

Remember its buy one pattern and choose another pattern of the same price or less free from my collection. This offer does not include any designs featured in the Aspley Collection book 1 charity e book but you are so welcome to choose other designs from other collections available on my site.

We have also just launched 3 mini charity e books to help raise a massive £80,000 for Aspley Guise Lower School. Do feel free to take a look at the links below. It would be so wonderful to have your support and do feel free to help spread the word on your social networks by copying and pasting the links below. It would mean so much to all of us here.


