Ravel - Wide Neck Cardigan by Colinette Yarns

Ravel - Wide Neck Cardigan

DK (11 wpi) ?
23 stitches and 38 rows = 4 inches
in Garter stitch
US 5 - 3.75 mm
1684 - 1804 yards (1540 - 1650 m)

Additional size information
Three sizes.
To fit bust: 81-86 cm/32-34” (91-97 cm/36-38”, 102-107 cm/40-42”).
Actual size, at underarm: 101 cm/39.75” (112 cm/44”, 123 cm/48.5”).
Full length: 44 cm/17.3” (46 cm/18.1”, 48 cm/18.9”).
Sleeve seam: 43 cm/17” (44 cm/17.25”, 45 cm/17.75”).
Additional yarn information
Colinette Cadenza 50g hanks: 14 (14, 15).
Alternative yarn suggested by Colinette: Colinette Banyan (knits to the same tension).
Additional requirements
Two buttons.
Additional needle information
US 3 / 3.25 mm needles required for ribs on sleeves and base of body.
US 5 / 3.75 mm needles required for main body garter stitch, and rib on collar.
Errata published by Colinette
Pattern erroneously gives full length as 34 cm/13.25” (36 cm/14”, 38 cm/15”), instead of 44 cm/17.3” (46 cm/18.1”, 48 cm/18.9”).