Ren Faire Fingerless Gloves by KA Francis

Ren Faire Fingerless Gloves

August 2021
DK (11 wpi) ?
4.5 mm
5.0 mm (H)
50 - 200 yards (46 - 183 m)
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD
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• This pattern is easily customized. To find the right size, measure the hand from the bottom of the pinky to the furthest side of the thumb. Then start making the glove and build the body up to the length you measured ENDING WITH AN ODD NUMBER. This will ensure that when you do the decreases they will be balanced.
• The chain 1 does not count as a chain in rows.
• When you’re making the chain to start the back of the glove, subtract 3 or 5 chains from the number of chains you needed to get the width in the front. Use 3 if you want the glove looser, use 5 if you want it tighter.
• The make the finger loop, tie the yarn to the dc in Row 2. It will secure the loop more than the traditional method of attaching yarn. After you slip stitch into the dc on the other side, leave a ling tail and tie it around the dc you slip stitched into. Again, it’s just more secure.
• Check the loop size by measuring the portion of the finger where the loop will sit. Chain a number that matches that measurement.
• A Small is 4.5in, a Medium is 5 inches and a Large is 5.5 inches. To adjust for extra small