Reversible Rug by Simplicity Pattern Company

Reversible Rug

January 1973
yarn held together
Each motif strip is about 6" x 10"
6.5 mm (K)
Two Sizes

This is a pattern for a reversible rug created using rectangular motifs (strips). The motifs are done diagonally.
The yarns are held double for the motifs.
Each motif strip measures about 6”x10”

HOOK: Size K (in Canada, size 3)

YARN: Rug yarns of acrylic, rayon and cotton or viscose blends.

NOTIONS: 3 spools of transparent sewing thread.

Rug View 1 is approximately 40” X 621/2” (101,6cm X 158,6cm) including border.
Yarn quantity and colors:
4 ounce (115 grams) skeins
--17 skeins of red
--11 skeins of white;
--10 skeins of black
100 yard (915,00m) skeins
--16 skeins of red
--10 skeins of white;
--9 skeins of black.
OR 70 yard (640,50m) skeins:
--22 skeins of red
--14 skeins of white;
--13 skeins of black

View 2 Rug is approximately 54” X 84” (137,2cm X 213,4cm) including border.
Yarn quantity and colors
4 ounce (115 grams) skeins:
--30 skeins of orange
--19 skeins of gold;
--19 skeins of brown.
OR 100 yard (915,00m) skeins:
--27 skeins of orange
--17 skeins of gold;
--17 skeins of brown.
OR 70 yard (640,50m) skeins:
--39 skeins of orange;
--23 skeins of gold;
--22 skeins of brown.