Rose Colored Glasses Sweater by Knit Sisu

Rose Colored Glasses Sweater

January 2021
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
8 stitches and 11 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette Stitch using size US 17 (12mm) needles
US 13 - 9.0 mm
US 17 - 12.0 mm
10.0 mm (N/P)
500 - 830 yards (457 - 759 m)
5 sizes: XS-XL, 6" total positive ease
This pattern is available from for $8.00.

It’s hard not to smile wearing a simply-detailed, handmade sweater (and no one will know it was a cinch to make)! Chunky yarn, large gauge, simple crocheted V-neck border, you really can’t go wrong with this one!

If you aren’t familiar with crochet, the pattern has verbiage and photos to walk you through the stitches.

Knit bottom-up on circular needles with shoulder seaming at the top.
Skill: Easy Intermediate

Recommended Yarn: Third Piece Baby Chunky | chunky weight | 500-830yds
Notions: Size US 13 (9mm) & US 17 (12mm) circular needles | Size N Crochet Hook | Stitch Marker
Gauge: 8 sts / 11 rows = 4” in Stockinette St
Measurements: Sizing based on XS (S, M, L, XL) measurements
Length: 17 (20, 24, 28, 31)“
Width: 16 (19, 23, 27, 30)”
Positive ease: 6” total - knit standard size, and the fit will be 4” roomier. Picture shows size M | Oversized Boxy Style

SISU: A Finnish word - determination, purpose, strength, courage & resilience. You’ve got this knit.