Round Daisy Cushion by Lucy Wateridge

Round Daisy Cushion

September 2021
DK (11 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 25 rows = 4 inches
5.0 mm (H)
710 - 852 yards (649 - 779 m)

• 5mm (H) crochet hook (or suitable hook to obtain gauge)
• 2 balls Knitcraft Cotton Blend dk yarn in yellow
• 1 ball Knitcraft Cotton Blend dk yarn in white
• Tapestry needle
• Scissors

Pattern Notes:
• Gauge - 20 stitches, 25 rows = 10cm/4in
• Finished cushion should measure 15” in diameter
• Fill with a 16” cushion insert (insert should be approx. 1” larger than finished cushion cover size)
• Cushion cover can be made in one colour or in varying colours. If changing colours, you will need to fasten off at the end of each round and join in new colour to start next round.