RPL Cravat Doily by Sharon Williams

RPL Cravat Doily

This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

RPL = Romanian Point Lace

RPL is a combination of a crocheted cord and needle lace techniques. The great thing about RPL is that you choose the needle lace stitches to use. The pattern download contains the pattern for the basic cord. You decide the rest!

1 ball of crochet cotton (you will not use the entire ball)
1 tapestry or embroidery needle
Linen on which to trace the pattern
Fine point fabric marker
Basting thread

Pattern Information:
This design is adapted from pattern #487: Cravat End in Point Lace from Beeton’s Book of Needlework, Section XIV: Point Lace Patterns. The link to this wonderful free resource may be found here. The book was published in 1870.

The needle lace stitches are Sorrento Wheels and Point d’Alencon. Instructions for both may be found at this link, also from Beeton’s Book.

The heavier chain that forms the main design of the piece is traditional Romanian Point Lace crocheted cord. I learned this technique from a kit purchased from Sylvia’s Flowers and Lace.

Cord length needed is approximately 90 inches. Note that there are four separate cords in this design.

Be sure to join the Romanian Point Lace Group here on Ravelry for helpful tips and tutorials so you can learn this beautiful craft!