Ruffle Collar by Lauren Aston Designs

Ruffle Collar

June 2021
Lauren Aston Designs Mini Mohair
Lace ?
8 stitches and 9 rows = 2 inches
in Stockinette
US 10 - 6.0 mm
197 - 219 yards (180 - 200 m)
One Size only
This pattern is available for £7.00 GBP
buy it now or visit pattern website

Such a glorious pattern – perfect for a confident beginner, this ruffle collar can be knit up in a matter of hours ready to wear! It’s such a straightforward joyful knit, you’ll be making them for everyone…

This pattern has a number of different options to suit you – and talks you through each one. You’ll be able to make the collar fit your neck perfectly, whether you’d like it to sit high up or low down.

You can make it more or less frillier, depending on what style you’re going for, and with two lacy ties you can fasten the collar at the front, back or side to give a different look each time.

Using a combination of knit and purl stitch, with some Kfb to create the frill, this is a great pattern for a confident beginner and upwards. You’ll be making them in every colour!

What you’ll need:
25g (1 x ball) Mini Mohair Yarn in the colour of your choice by Lauren Aston Designs – or add a second ball for a wider collar
6mm circular knitting needles (you can use straight if you prefer, but they will need to be long to hold all the stitches)
Tapestry Needle