Rumours by Lee Meredith


November 2011
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
70 - 200 yards (64 - 183 m)
custom fit
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD
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These fingerless mitts are custom sized to fit your hands, and can be made in any gauge. There are two different design options for the top hand section, as well as a 2-color option. They are filled with swirling twisted stitches, decreases, eyelet holes, and garter stitch texture.

They’re worked modularly from the top down, with no picked up stitches or seaming. The thumb is started separately, then joined to the hand as you go.

All parts of the pattern are written, and the hand patterns are also charted.

Decreases and twisted stitches twirl around as yarn-overs create lines and triangles down the wrist. The swirling design twists symmetrically around the wrist, starting with the thumb gusset, and twisting to the other side of the wrist and back - this symmetrical design makes for one single mitt pattern for both hands, instead of separate right and left patterns.

The top part of each mitt is worked sideways, until it fits perfectly around your hand, leaving stitches along the edge as you knit. Once this section is finished, you’ll add the thumb, and start working the whole thing in the round, decreasing in for the thumb gusset, then down the wrist.