Santa's Coffee Cozy by Aunt Janet's Designs

Santa's Coffee Cozy

November 2013
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
15 stitches and 19 rows = 4 inches
in single crochet
4.0 mm (G)
Fits large coffee, frappuccino, iced beverage cups!
This pattern is available for $5.50 USD buy it now

Santa’s Coffee Cozies make great gifts and stocking stuffers for all of your Christmas loving friends and barely use any yarn. Make one for everybody you know! Keeps your iced coffee cool and your hot coffee hot! Plus… they are Earth-friendly since they are re-useable! Pop in a favorite holiday movie, wait for the snow, and whip up some cozies!

Professionally designed pattern with photos and detailed instructions.

Hook: Size “G” (4 - 4.5mm)
Yarn: Worsted (I prefer cotton)

YES! You can make these and sell them! I would appreciate a credit/link for the pattern (so people know where to get the pattern to make the item themselves).