Scandinavian Sweater No. 5315 by Jack Frost

Scandinavian Sweater No. 5315

January 1951
Sport (12 wpi) ?
6.5 stitches = 1 inch
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

A vintage pattern, in the public domain, from the Jack Frost collection of sweaters (1951).

  • No yardage given; listed as: “Natural—5 2-oz. Balls; Green—2 2-oz. Balls“
  • Vintage size 14 (based on gauge given and stitch count for body, ~35” bust), as written
  • Gauge should be based on US4 needles. It is very important to measure gauge with a swatch with vintage patterns, as the row count is not given. Check the colorwork gauge and the stockinette gauge for best accuracy.
  • Body is 15 inches long from underarm as written. Armscye is 7 inches deep as written. Sleeves are approx. 18.5 inches long, as directed.
  • Pattern presupposes intermediate skills; i.e ability to work out increase rates, setting in sleeves, etc.

Pattern available for free at: