Shaped Shawl #L30160 by Lion Brand Yarn

Shaped Shawl #L30160

January 2013
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
15 stitches = 4 inches
in garter stitch
US 9 - 5.5 mm
654 yards (598 m)
14 x 72 in. (35.5 x 183 cm)
This pattern is available for free.

The Shaped Shawl Pattern is a knit shawl pattern made with bulky weight yarn that has a skill level of advanced.

Lion Brand Pattern #: L30160


Unique (Article #755) 6 balls
Shown in Harvest

Knitting Needles - Size 9 [5.5 mm]

Shawl is worked in one piece, with shaping on each half. The first half leans diagonally in one direction and the 2nd half leans diagonally in the other direction to create a “V” shape that will lay comfortably on your shoulders.

The Shawl is worked in Garter stitch (k every row), so is reversible.

See also:
V Shawl (Medium Weight) for Organic Cotton version.

V Shawl (Bulky) for Homespun Version