Shattered slate shawl (4ply) by Tanya Hardman

Shattered slate shawl (4ply)

March 2019
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 3 - 3.25 mm
437 yards (400 m)
This pattern is available from for £4.50.

A light and airy shawl, this is inspired by old many slate walls I see around me in my North Wales home. Old slate walls are really common & as the slate weathers it shatters, breaking along fault lines. The way slate shatters along fault lines is how generations of quarrymen split it by hand for roofing slate for so long in the many mines around this area.

I love the lines and shadows produced, and this my attempt to replicate it. Alternate knit and purl rows create ridges of texture and the drop stitch row gives the shattered gaps between the lines of slate.

This is incredibly easy, just six rows to keep track of. One edge grows quicker than the other, with the decreases in rows 3 and 6 falling on the same edge. I found it helped to have a locking marker on that edge just in case I lost track of where I was.

This pattern is also available as a double knit version.