Silky Green Fingerless Mitts by Rita Winning

Silky Green Fingerless Mitts

US 6 - 4.0 mm
child, teen, small adult~ large adult
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

please check out my SPRING 2018 PROMO

This is a great pattern for stashbusting!

Just weigh your yarn, divide it in half, and go! That is why I designed the mitts from the top down. Although the mitts I made were made with handspun any weight yarn that you would normally use to knit mitts can be used.

Also, the sizing seems wonky~ that’s because of the fabulous nature of the cable-type pattern~ it stretches like crazy! My petite 8 year old daughter can wear the mitts, I can wear the mitts …I have small adult hands… and my friends, who shall remain nameless to protect their privacy, with huge girl hands can wear them!! :P

Enjoy! there is more to come~