Sleepy Furret (Pokemon) by Rina Mogryna Art

Sleepy Furret (Pokemon)

December 2022
DK (11 wpi) ?
2.5 mm
8cm tall and 15-20cm in diameter
This pattern is available for free.

This week I’m bringing you one of the best pokemon: Furret! Who doesn’t love this little noodle? Just look at him! So adorable! I finally got around to making him and while there’s definitely room for improvement, curved amigurumi are hard enough as is and it will have to do for now. Maybe one day I’ll make an updated version, but for now, enjoy the little cutie! ❤

Note that this is a slightly advanced pattern that includes A LOT of short rows. Also note that the way furrets face pattern should be worked depends on how you want to place the head. If you want to place the head differently you will need to make your own adjustments in order for the face and back to allign properly colorwise.

To make Furret you will need:
– A Crochet hook, 2.5mm
– Beige and brown yarn as well as small amounts of black thread for the face
– A tapestry needle and scissors
– Stuffing
– A stitch marker to help you keep track of the start of the round
Please note that you can make Furret using any size crochet hook and yarn weight for a smaller or bigger result. Using DK yarn and a 2.5mm crochet hook, Furret should be about 8cm tall and 15-20cm-ish in diameter.

Stitches & Abbreviations
The pattern is written using US crochet terms in continuous spirals. You will need to know the following kinds of stitches to make him:
– Magic Ring (MR)
– Chaning (Ch)
– Single crochet (sc)
– Decrease (dec); preferably using the invisible decrease method
– Increase (inc)

If you like what I’m doing, please consider following me over at twitter @RinaMogrynaArt and/or supporting me on Ko-Fi @RinaMogryna <3